We offer a complete range of legal services to the non-Italian financial intermediaries wishing to access into and operate on the Italian market, including the following:
- Registration of funds (UCITS and AIFs) for marketing to Italian professional investors
- Registration of funds (UCITS and AIFs) for marketing to Italian retail investors, drafting of the bespoke documents required for retail marketing in Italy
- Assistance in the negotiation of the agreements with local distributors of funds and paying agents
- Assistance in the negotiation of co-marketing agreements within the scope of the MiFID II rules on inducements/benefits
- Listing of ETF on the Italian Stock Exchange, drafting of the bespoke documents required for listing on the Italian exchange
- Listing of ETC on the Italian Stock Exchange
- Regulatory reporting of relevant holdings in Italian listed companies
- Negotiation of Investment Management Agreements (“IMA”) with Italian clients, such as pension funds; assistance in the relevant RFP
- Establishment of Italian branches or Representative Offices and ongoing assistance
- Establishment of Italian MiFID investment firms and ManCo and ongoing assistance
- Assistance in the reporting duties to the Italian regulators
- Assessment of marketing materials in light of the Italian law, submission to the regulators
- GDPR requirements
- Brexit issues
Assistance includes regulatory alerts, which are either disseminated through general newsletters sent to the Firm’s clients and through specific heads up sent to specific clients or groups of clients in consideration of the effects that a given regulatory development may have on their Italian operations.